In today's Boston Globe (of all places!), a pro-life op-ed piece that is straightforward and refreshing. Though I don't agree with every point, the conclusion strikes me as unimpeachable.

Because we don't know where life begins, the only logical thing todo is to err on the side of caution -- the side of life. In otherwords, because an abortion might take an innocent life, it should beavoided. It should also be illegal in most cases.

Some mayrespond to this logic by asking, "Who are you to foist your values onothers?" That's a common question in the abortion debate, and yet ithas no rightful place in the argument. It's the precise moral andlogical equivalent of antebellum Southerners saying that blacks weren'thuman beings, and that slavery opponents had no right to even questiontheir peculiar institution. History has judged that argument harshly,and rightly so.

There in a nutshell is why this secular citizenis strongly pro-life. And, please note: In making my case, I didn'trefer to God, the Bible, the Koran, or any other holy tract once.Please adjust your stereotypes accordingly.

Robert P. Imbelli, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, is a longtime Commonweal contributor.

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