Thomas Powers, ancienne Commonweal colmnist, had a review of George Tenet's book in the NYRB, July 19, in which he examined Tenet's claims as well as the administration's claims about going to war in Iraq.

A reader writes in the current issue, September 27, that Powers failed to address  the real-world question: Why did we really invade Iraq? The reader posits some of the circulating theories. In response, Powers admits that they are all possible reasons for the U.S. invasion. More pointedly, he notes that, in fact, none of the principals have said "why" and more pointedly that no Democrat in Congress or none of the Democratic candidates have asked "why" either, nor do they seem very interested.

"Not knowing why we went in allowed us to go in; not knowing why we should get out will make it impossible to get out. None of the presidential candidates seems to know why we are failing, or to understand what is imperial about the way we deal with Iraq, or to sense that a bigger war is just an other mistake away."

Powers argues that this is a "two presidents" war and that the next president is in danger of repeating all the mistakes of this one. Sobering.

The whole, but relatively short (for the NYRB) exchange:

Margaret O’Brien Steinfels is a former editor of Commonweal. 

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