"Listen up, Jesuits," would be my own translation of that phrase in light of the speech by the Vatican's envoy to the CG35 in Rome. Papal legate Cardinal Franc Rode, prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, spoke to the General Congregation today.Like Peter Nixon belowI cannot pretend to objectivity regarding the Society of Jesus, whose members have been so integral to my own faith life (which may may a bigger indictment of the order than anything Rode said, come to think of it). Yet Rode's remarks about the Jesuits' "growing detachment from the hierarchy" and other failings (like the "relativism" of certain Jesuit periodicals, ahem) seemed a bit uncharitable, given the circumstances. Above all they seemed stale. The Vatican has been cracking the whip on the Jesuits for 30 years now. And Kolvenbach has bent over backwards to improve relations and maintain fidelity to both the Pope and the Jesuit charism. It isn't easy. Surely there must be something more constructive to say?But others of less (or more?) Ignatian sensibility may read it differently. See John Allen's take here, the CNS story here, and Rocco's translation hereof Rode's full address.(And apologies for discussing an election other than the NH primary.)

David Gibson is the director of Fordham’s Center on Religion & Culture.

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