An interesting item via Amy Welborn, regarding a debate on abortion--to mark the Roe v. Wade anniversary--betweenPeter Kreeft of Boston College, for the pro-life side, andphilosopherDavid Boonin of the University of Colorado, for the pro-choice side. The debate took place at the University of Colorado's Boulder campus and wassponsored by the school's Thomas Aquinas Institute for Catholic Thought.Some 300 people packed the room, and 300 others listened outside, according tothe Catholic News Agency report. Father Kevin Augustyn, pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, (yes, those are their real names) said: "The Aquinas Institute for Catholic Thought is basically our arm for outreach to both Catholic students that come to us, and the university at large. We're trying to engage an important secular university with the Catholic faith. How do you do that? You begin with dialogue, and what we have in common, and we believe reason is on our side."Question: Could--and should--a similar event be held at a Catholic university?

David Gibson is the director of Fordham’s Center on Religion & Culture.

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