He shall judge the world with equity (Ps 95:13). Not a part of it, because it was not just a part of it that he bought. He is to judge the whole because he paid the price for the whole. You have heard the Gospel that says that when he comes he will gather his elect from the four winds. He gathers all the elect from the winds, that is, from all around the world. As I once said, the name "Adam" in Greek signifies the whole world. The four letters A, D, A, M in Greek are the first letters of the names for the four parts of the earth: Greeks call the east Anatole, the west Dusis, the north Arktos, and the south Mesembria. So there you have it: ADAM. Adam was scattered all over the world. He once was in a single place, but he fell, and, shattered, he filled the whole world. But the mercy of God has gathered the broken pieces from all over and fused them together with the fire of charity and made what was broken one again. That Craftsman knows how to do that. No one should despair. It is indeed a difficult work, but consider who the Craftsman is. It is the one who made it in the first place who re-made it; the one who originally shaped it has reshaped it. He will judge the world with equity, and the peoples in his truth. (Augustine, Enar. In Ps 95, 15; PL 38, 1236)

Rev. Joseph A. Komonchak, professor emeritus of the School of Theology and Religious Studies at the Catholic University of America, is a retired priest of the Archdiocese of New York.

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