This story from the Jerusalem Post probably represents the view of Elliot Abrams (I would bet the unnamed official in the story). True or not, it is hard to say, but it does look like a cat and mouse game between parts of the Bush Administration and parts of the Israeli right-wing and military. And then, there's the cat and mouse with Iran. Is it a game of who bombs first? Or a game of let's keep them [the Iranians] rattled. Or let's win this for John McCain? Complicated!Short news story here: from the Sunday Times op-ed page is part of the story in a somewhat indirect way. Jeffrey Goldberg, "Israel's American Problem." maybe not:

White House denounces war with Iran story a lot of Americans are very or somewhat concerned that war with Iran might happen; that's what comes from saber-rattling.

Margaret O’Brien Steinfels is a former editor of Commonweal. 

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