You could try to respond seriously to the over-the-top war on the “War on Christmas” highlighted Mollie Wilson O’Reilly’s post below. Or you could make fun of it--as Toby Keith does on Stephen Colbert’s Christmas special. At least I think he’s making fun of it..cc_box a:hover .cc_home{background:url(‘…’) !important;}.cc_links a{color:#b9b9b9;text-decoration:none;}.cc_show a{color:#707070;text-decoration:none;}.cc_title a{color:#868686;text-decoration:none;}.cc_links a:hover{color:#67bee2;text-decoration:underline;}The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30cA Colbert Christmas: Toby Keith SingsColbert at Christmas
Colbert Christmas DVDGreen Screen
Bill O’Reilly Interview