One sign of shifting opinion on Israel's military policy is the increase in U.S. media presentation of critical or questioning news, features, and opinions about the invasion.The NYTimes blog: The Lede has a short interesting piece on the different representations in English and Hebrew on the IDF's web-site (Israel Defense Force--the army).Here: Daniel Levy who has sane and useful things to say about Israeli policy has posted an interesting set of reflections on how this should/could/might end. (Highly recommended!****)Here: VP-elect Joe Biden predicted Obama would have a foreign-policy test early in his tenure, Biden was mocked. Well??!!! Someone in our household (not me) predicted it would happen and it would be the Israel-Palestinian frage. Prescient!And this from Ethan Bonner (NYTimes) on media coverage and lack thereof:"And so for an 11th day of Israels war in Gaza, the several hundred journalists here to cover it wait in clusters away from direct contact with any fighting or Palestinian suffering but with full access to Israeli political and military commentators eager to show them around southern Israel where Hamas rockets have been terrorizing civilians. A slew of private groups funded mostly by Americans are helping guide the press around Israel."Like all wars, this one is partly about public relations. But unlike any war in Israels history, in this one, the government is seeking to control entirely the message and narrative for reasons both of politics and military strategy."'s the Rasmussen poll cited earlier suggesting the ins and outs of divided U.S. opinion on Gaza:"Americans Closely Divided Over Israels Gaza Attacks" Jon Stuart goes HYPER-CHUTZPAH! from Gideon Levy at Ha'aretz on some of the arguments (moral and not so moral) going on among Israelis. (ht: MJ Rosenberg at TPM)

Margaret O’Brien Steinfels is a former editor of Commonweal. 

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