Walking to the subway this morning, I thought of the 598,000 people who lost their jobs in January. [UPDATE: not being a math whiz! I have just realized that's [over] half a million jobs]Here are the details:http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/07/business/economy/07jobs.html?_r=1&hpAnd an interactive graphic that shows who and perhaps why.http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2009/02/06/business/20090206-jobs-graphic.htmlMore from Bloomberg News"With revised declines of 577,000 for December and 597,000 for November, revisions subtracted 66,000 workers from previously reported figures for the last two months of 2008. The 3.57 million jobs lost since the recession started in December 2007 marks the biggest employment slump of any economic contraction in the postwar period. " (MOS: presumably that's post WWII.)http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aFTLrvbYYuMM&refer=homeAnd here's what the Republicans have to say after all the negotiating: NO!!!McConnell: This Plan Won't Work; GOP Won't Support ItMitch McConnell has released a statement saying that while he hasn't seen the full compromise plan, he has seen enough to say that Senate Republicans will still oppose it. "So let me just sum it up by saying no action is not what any of my Republican colleagues are advocating," said McConnell. "But most of us are deeply skeptical that this will work. And that level of skepticism leads us to believe that this course of action should not be chosen."Boehner: Stimimlus Bill Is "90 Percent Of A Bad Idea"John Boehner has also released a statement deriding the new plan. "But ultimately this bill should be judged on whether it works, and 90 percent of a bad idea is still a bad idea," said Boehner. "Like the House-passed bill, the proposed Senate bill appears to be focused overwhelmingly on slow-moving and wasteful Washington spending, rather than immediate job creation and fast-acting tax relief. This is not what the American people want; nor is it what the President called for at the start of the process." (HT TPM)

Margaret O’Brien Steinfels is a former editor of Commonweal. 

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