UPDATE: The Vatican is underwhelmed by Williamson's "apology" as well. Read here and here.

The Holocaust-denying schismatic Traditionalist was just kicked out of Argentina, which seems unjust to me, despite Williamson's noxious views. Today, back in his native England, Wiliamson issued an apology, via ZENIT (an arm of the Legionaries, which has had its own travails),for his quite detailed argument thatthe Nazis did not gas Jews in death camps. But while Williamson has said he will do more study regarding his views of the Holocaust, he doesn't seem to repent of them here. He apologizes to those who were hurt by his remarks.The text:

LONDON, FEB. 26, 2009 (Zenit.org).- Here is a declaration released today from Lefebvrite Bishop Richard Williamson, regarding his comments on the Holocaust in an interview aired in January by Swiss television.* * *The Holy Father and my Superior, Bishop Bernard Fellay, have requested that I reconsider the remarks I made on Swedish television four months ago, because their consequences have been so heavy.Observing these consequences I can truthfully say that I regret having made such remarks, and that if I had known beforehand the full harm and hurt to which they would give rise, especially to the Church, but also to survivors and relatives of victims of injustice under the Third Reich, I would not have made them.On Swedish television I gave only the opinion (..."I believe"..."I believe"...) of a non-historian, an opinion formed 20 years ago on the basis of evidence then available, and rarely expressed in public since.However, the events of recent weeks and the advice of senior members of the Society of St. Pius X have persuaded me of my responsibility for much distress caused. To all souls that took honest scandal from what I said, before God I apologize.As the Holy Father has said, every act of injust violence against one man hurts all mankind.+Richard Williamson,London, 26 February, 2009

David Gibson is the director of Fordham’s Center on Religion & Culture.

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