I've noticed a couple posts about music in the last few days, so here's an artist I'd love to share with you all.When it comes to contemporary musicians who possess anything like a religious sensibility, U2 is always trotted out as the prime example -- rightly, of course.But there are quite a few others out there -- particularly in the singer-songwriter realm -- who write about faith in a way that is too raw and honest for the religious subculture and too overt and profound for the mainstream music industry. Which means these artists fall between the cracks of the highly-commodified music marketplace.Such a singer-songwriter is Joe Henry, who has recently been covered in Image journal's blog, Good Letters, here and here.I could go on and on about Henry's genius (he's also a sought-after producer), but I'll just leave you with this video of his song "God Only Knows," which has a melancholy that somehow seems appropriate for Holy Week. Let me know what you think.[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKpsmA9cLu0[/youtube]The lyrics to "God Only Knows":Darkness settles on the groundLeaves the day stumbling blindComing to a quiet closeAnd maybe just in timeWe almost lost the heart to knowHow to keep our best in mindWe almost lost the heart to knowHow to keep our best in mindTime has turned an angry faceThrows a dark eye back to seaWhat will pass for mercy nowWe practice unforgivinglyAs if might and will make rightOr either one will make us freeAs if might and will make rightOr either one will make us freeLovers laugh and cross this wayWeaving out and into the streetIt seems we never were so youngOr it was never quite so sweetBut the world is always beautifulWhen its seen in full retreatThe worst of life is beautifulAs it slips away in full retreatGod only knows that we can we doNo more or less than he'll allowGod only knows that we mean wellGod knows that we just don't know howBut Ill try to be your light in loveAnd pray that is enough for now

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