I wonder if this is what the Obama administration had in mind when it said it wanted a "cabinet of rivals":

Five members of President Obama's faith-based advisory council have joined the debate over his plan to rescind recent conscience protections for healthcare workers, but could not agree whether those rules should remain intact or be overturned.Obama's Department of Health and Human Services has set a Thursday deadline for comments to be submitted on whether regulations former President Bush enacted in December should be overturned, as Obama plans to do.The letter, signed by eight religious leaders and scholars, said upfront that some signers would urge HHS to retain the Bush regulations, while others would urge the Department to rescind them.But either way, the letter submitted by Nathan Diament from the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations, said longstanding federal protections from the Civil Rights Act of 1964 are inadequate

Among the signers are five members of President Obama's advisory panel for the Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships: Sojourners president Jim Wallis; Florida pastor Joel Hunter; Wake Forest University scholar Melissa Rogers; Rabbi David Saperstein, director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism; and Nathan Diament from the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations. Others who joined the letter include the Rev. Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist's Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission; Catholiclegal scholarDouglas Kmiec; and Robert Fretwell-Wilson, a law professor at Washington & Lee University.

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