On April 8, I received the following from Gene Palumbo, an old friend, now living in El Salvador. He raised a good question, for which I have a response.Here's his complaint: "I don't understand why you terminated your post ("Pew Meditation"). It was chugging along,gettingsome worthwhile comments; inmy opinion, there wasevery reason to believe that there would have been more such good comments.So, why cut it off? What's gained-and what is possibly lost-by doing that?It might have sputtered for a while but then...gotten a second wind. Some people check in late; some who were following it all along find themselves wanting to comment on a late-in-the-day comment sent in by someone else, etc. etc.This practice-of terminating posts- has always bothered me. I could be wrong; but I could be onto something."I'll respond, but others may have his/her own view on the matter.

Margaret O’Brien Steinfels is a former editor of Commonweal. 

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