Congratulations to Robert Egan, SJ, John Garvey, John Wilkins, Henry Cohen, Peter Steinfels, Paul Baumann, and all the other Commonweal contributors whose work was recognized by the Associated Church Press in its 2008 awards, announced May 7. All of Commonweal's winning entries -- including the entire media review section of our May 2008 "Spring Books" issue -- are now available online to subscribers and nonsubscribers alike. See the complete list here and click through to read anything you might have missed.You can download the ACP's list of awards (a .pdf file) to read what the judges said about our winning entries -- and to find out who else they liked! And, of course, if you subscribe now, you can say you read our 2009 winners (knock on wood) before they were stars.

Mollie Wilson O’​Reilly is editor-at-large and columnist at Commonweal.

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