Free for all to read:

  • Barbara Mujica's article about her son's military service in Iraq, and how it helped him pursue his goal of being "a man for others": Tours of Duty
  • Our editorial on why major health-care reform is so urgent -- and why its time may have finally come: We're Ready
  • Just in time for this Sunday's Tony Awards, a review by yours truly of the favorite for Best Play, God of Carnage, and last year's winner, August: Osage County: Domestic Disturbances

Subscribers can also enjoy John F. Haught's article on the theological vision of Teilhard de Chardin; a report by Rev. David Beckmann of Bread for the World on the global food crisis; Charles Camosy's critique of the CDF instruction Dignitas personae; John Fry's Last Word on the conversion of the British writer and mountaineer Sir Arnold Lunn; Richard Alleva's review of the films Earth and Star Trek; the latest edition of Lawrence Cunningham's Religion Booknotes column; Robert Murray Davis's review of the new book Graham Greene: A Life in Letters; and David Martin's review of God Is Back by John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge.Subscribers to the Washington Monthly should look for our editor Paul Baumann's review of God Is Back in the May-June issue (not available online, unfortunately). And Commonweal print subscribers will get a generous helping of photos from Iraq along with Barbara Mujica's cover story. Are you a subscriber? If not, sign up now for just $17!

Mollie Wilson O’​Reilly is editor-at-large and columnist at Commonweal.

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