If memory serves (an increasingly "iffy" if), I have posted annually on dotCommonweal to mark the Feast of St. Benedict. And I probably have quoted from Columba Stewart's fine book, Prayer and Community: The Benedictine Tradition. Here is a reflection from the book:

Awareness of the presence of God pervades the Rule. No cosy intimacy between equals, this is very much a relationship of awe and utter dependence. Humility, the central monastic virtue, begins in "fear of the Lord," which simply means acknowledging the divine omnipresence and acting accordingly. The corresponding vice is forgetting that one stands before God.One must "flee forgetfulness and always be mindful of what God has commanded" (RB 7. 10-11). Thus Benedict's emphasis on listening and on lectio divina: these are ways of mindfulness, of attuning the spiritual senses to the divine presence.

A joyful and mindful feast to all.

Robert P. Imbelli, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, is a longtime Commonweal contributor.

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