Yesterday, the New York Times had a long, and complex, article on the ramifications of Tiller's death for the American abortion debate.This passage caught my interest, in light of the post below on the "Rorschach" test.There may be division not only between legal prophets and pragmatists, but among the prophets themselves.But in the weeks since the killing, supporters and opponents of Dr. Tiller have been measuring the larger ramifications. Implacably divided for so long, they now agree on a fundamental point: Dr. Tillers death represents an enormous loss for each side.Abortion opponents are bracing for a drop in support, especially from those in the murky middle ground of the debate. Worse yet, after years of persuading supporters to work within the law, they say they have already lost credibility among the most ardent abortion opponents who cannot help pointing out that one gunman achieved what all their protests and prayers could not.The credit is going to go to him, Mark S. Gietzen, chairman of the Kansas Coalition for Life, said of Mr. Roeder. There are people who are agreeing with him.

Cathleen Kaveny is the Darald and Juliet Libby Professor in the Theology Department and Law School at Boston College.

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