We've already started the discussion, but for the record: the latest issue of Commonweal is in the mail, and posted online. Here's what you can all read:

  • A response to the Vatican visitation and investigation of American women religious: "Cross Examination," by "Sister X." (Discuss it here.)
  • Dan Callanan's article on the role that the concept of the "common good" plays (or fails to play) in our debate over health care: "America's Blind Spot." (Discuss it here.)
  • Our editorial on the need for good policy and good politics to combat global hunger: "One in Six."

Subscribers can enjoy much more: An excerpt from Margaret Visser's forthcoming book The Gift of Thanks, examining how we think about the care we owe the elderly. John Garvey's column on a friend's inspiring relish for life. A "Last Word" introduction to a Holocaust survivor, "Irena," by Patrick Henry. And scads of book reviews: Robert K. Vischer on Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Liberty; John Starrels on Human Smoke and Refugees and Rescue; Celia Wren on The Book of William; Melissa Matthes on A Jury of Her Peers; and Peter Schwendener on A Great Idea at the Time. Plus the usual delightful assortment of letters and poems. (What did Kathleen Sprows Cummings mean by "feminism"? She's glad you asked.)Remember, if you like what we do: subscribe, and help us keep doing it! And if you're already a subscriber, how about introducing someone else to Commonweal?

Mollie Wilson O’​Reilly is editor-at-large and columnist at Commonweal.

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