Yesterday on the First Thoughts blog Mary Rose Rybak posted a video of First Things Associate Editor David Goldman's appearance on the Larry Kudlow program. Kudlow had convened a panel to discuss the value of the U.S. dollar. "Watch FTs own David Goldman dominate the discussion on last nights Larry Kudlow show," Rybak wrote. About four minutes into the interview, while Goldman was lamenting the cheap dollar, he explained that "the probability of the collapse of America's world position and a correspondent collapse of the dollar is priced into gold at about one thousand sixty today." Then he offered the following digression: "It's likely to keep going up as long as Obama runs foreign policy as if it were the Special Olympics.""The Special Olympics!" Kudlow bellowed. "It's like we want to be C-plus students with everybody else. That's the part that really troubles me.""Yeah," Goldman agreed. "Everybody gets a prize. Everybody's equal."This morning's lead story on the First Things homepage is written by Archbishop Charles Chaput. It's called "Conscience, Courage & Children with Down Syndrome."Remember when President Obama made an offensive "joke" about the Special Olympics? Care to guess what at least two First Things bloggers had to say about that? Check it out here, here, and here.

Grant Gallicho joined Commonweal as an intern and was an associate editor for the magazine until 2015. 

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