Tom Friedman thinks the Middle East Peace Process is over. I read his last paragraph to say that we should stop subsidizing both sides. Is that a message Obama can deliver to Netanyahu when they meet in Washington tonight?"If we are still begging Israel to stop building settlements, which is so manifestly idiotic, and the Palestinians to come to negotiations, which is so manifestly in their interest, and the Saudis to just give Israel a wink, which is so manifestly pathetic, we are in the wrong place. Its time to call a halt to this dysfunctional peace process, which is only damaging the Obama teams credibility."If the status quo is this tolerable for the parties, then I say, let them enjoy it. I just dont want to subsidize it or anesthetize it anymore. We need to fix America. If and when they get serious, theyll find us. And when they do, we should put a detailed U.S. plan for a two-state solution, with borders, on the table. Lets fight about something big."

Margaret O’Brien Steinfels is a former editor of Commonweal. 

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