Where is Mary from? From Adam. Where is Adam from? From the earth. If Mary is from Adam and Adam is from the earth, then Mary also is from the earth. But if Mary is from the earth, then let us recognize what it is we are singing: "Truth has sprung out of the earth." What benefit did it bring us? "Truth has sprung out of the earth, and justice has looked down from heaven" (Ps 84:12).... How can man be just? By himself? What poor man can give himself bread? What naked person can cover himself unless he receives a garment? Where does justice come from? What justice is there without faith? "The just man lives by faith" (Rom 1:17). Anyone who without faith says that he is just is lying... If he wishes to speak the truth, let him turn toward the truth. Far away was the truth which has sprung out of the earth. You were sleeping; he came to you. You were sunk in a deep slumber; he awakened you. In himself he made a way for you so that he would not lose you. Therefore: Truth has sprung out of the earth because Christ has been born of the virgin; justice has looked down from heaven so that by this justice they might recover their senses who by their injustice had lost their minds.Christ the Lord, who was with the Father without beginning from all eternity, has a birthday. .... Let his mercy be accomplished in our hearts. His mother bore him in her womb; let us bear him in our hearts. The virgin was pregnant by the incarnation of Christ; let our hearts be pregnant by our faith in Christ. The virgin gave birth to the Savior; let our soul give birth to salvation, let us also give birth to praise. Let us not be barren. Let our souls be fruitful for God. (Sermon 189, 2 and 3; PL 38)

Rev. Joseph A. Komonchak, professor emeritus of the School of Theology and Religious Studies at the Catholic University of America, is a retired priest of the Archdiocese of New York.

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