Following on Molly's suggestion for reading tips (and stealing an idea from David Brooks in this week's NYT) I wonder if anyone has any favorite articles, in Commonweal or elsewhere, from the year?I'll scan my Commonweals later and see if I can choose a favorite without offending anyone. Another favorite (if a sobering one) is Timothy Snyder's look at how we should view the Holocaust, the Gulag and what he terms the European killing fields of the mid-twentieth century. I also thought Steven Brill's dissection of the "rubber room" where New York city's worst public school teachers while away the hours while still on full salary a superb piece of investigative journalism. It's not that universities with tenure can throw too many stones (I say this as a dean.) But still.

John T. McGreevy is the Charles and Jill Fischer Provost at the University of Notre Dame.

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