"You have to wonder if the Roman Catholic Church circa 2010 is what Jesus had in mind as he hung on the cross. Probably not. On the other hand, the current explosion is likely not a surprise to him. According to Luke's Gospel, Jesus was executed as a common criminal--death by crucifixion--and hung between two thieves. One of his followers turned him over to the authorities, another denied knowing him, and all of them fled when he most needed them. His expectations about how these followers might undertake his commission to teach all nations were possibly not very high."The past weeks' headlines, Catholic reactions, and official ecclesiastical responses would seem to confirm those low expectations...."http://newsweek.washingtonpost.com/onfaith/panelists/margaret_obrien_steinfels/2010/04/hyperbole_vitriole_and_death_by_crucifixion.html

Margaret O’Brien Steinfels is a former editor of Commonweal. 

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