The Catholic blogosphere is a big place; places for people with all sorts of different interests. There are Catholic political blogs, Catholic liturgical blogs, and Catholic mommy blogs. I ran across a blogger in the latter category, Simcha Fisher, while she was guest blogging on First Things. She's very sharp--and often very funny--and can be read with profit by those who don't agree with her on every point and whose day-to-day crosses to bear don't take exactly the same form as hers.I think someone should give her a book contract--and Jean Raber one too.At any rate, she has an interesting column on some of the nitty-gritty that would be involved in incorporating married priests into the life of a parish.If we move toward a system of married priests; are 1) we willing to support their families, however large they may be; and 2) are we willing to give the family members the privacy and respect they need in order to live their lives?

Cathleen Kaveny is the Darald and Juliet Libby Professor in the Theology Department and Law School at Boston College.

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