I was awash in food at a wedding reception this weekend and it reminded me of an endless dinner I experienced in Munich once (in the Englisher Garten) of large whole chickens, mountains of sausages, and yard long steins of beer. I came away from that experience convinced that if Germany has a favorite national deadly sin, it is probably Gluttony. I used to think that the French's sin should be Lust until I visited England often enough to see that France pales in that area these days. So France gets Pride in my book.But what about the US? Can it be anything other than Greed? In Matthew Boudway's thread below, judging from the comments, it would almost seem that we have enshrined greed as a virtue to the extent that some people almost claim that to suggest that the rich are greedy is to show that onemust begreedy oneself (not that there is anything wrong with that).So. Do countries (or civilizations) tend to promote one deadly sin or others in its character? If so, should the US be the Land of the Greedy? If not, how do we define and distinguish greed in a greedy land like the United States?

unagidon is the pen name of a former dotCommonweal blogger.  

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