Especially the really good, bestselling author ones, like Douglas Brinkley of Rice University:

Brinkley went before the House Natural Resources Committee on Friday to advocate national monument status for mountains, tundra, rivers and coasts of Alaskas vast Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska.He incurred the wrath of Alaskas Congressman-for-life Don Young, who has fought nearly 40 years to cut down his states national forests, build open pit mines and drill for oil in the Arctic Refuge.Young referred to Brinkley as Dr. Rice and sneered that his testimony was garbage. (Known for outbursts, the congressman once brandished a walrus penis at the director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.)Its Dr. Brinkley, Rice is a university, and I know you went to Yuba Community College and couldnt graduate . . . Brinkley shot back.A fiery Young then interrupted Brinkley, saying: Ill call you anything I want to call you when you sit in that (witness) chair. You just be quiet.You dont own me, Brinkley replied. I pay your salary. I work for the private sector and you work for the taxpayers.Rep. Doc Hastings, R-Wash., chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee, thereupon threatened to remove Brinkley from the panel unless he would agree to speak only when spoken to.

Rod cheers:

I conditionally support ANWR drilling, by the way. But I also support standing up to ill-mannered, nitwit Congressmen.

Still, as the Seattle Post-Intelligencer notes, Brinkley's blast at Young's academic record merits an incomplete:

After a stint in the Army, Young eventually did get through Yuba Community College in California and went on to graduate from Chico State College.

So Young has that going for him.

David Gibson is the director of Fordham’s Center on Religion & Culture.

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