There are countries in which it is illegal to bob the tail of a dog. Has a German court started another new movement to prevent cruel and unusual punishment? And is this a new threat to religious freedom? Will it spread here? Seehere andhere.Now this from Spiegel-online:

Calling it the "worst attack on Jewish life since the Holocaust," the Conference of European Rabbis on Thursday strongly condemned a recent German court decision that criminalizes the circumcision of boys. "A ban on circumcision poses an existential question for the Jewish community in Germany," the president of the organization, Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, said on Thursday. "If the ruling is allowed to stand, then I don't see a future for Jews in Germany."

And still more reaction in Germany.And now the <i>NY Times</i> takes notice.

Rev. Joseph A. Komonchak, professor emeritus of the School of Theology and Religious Studies at the Catholic University of America, is a retired priest of the Archdiocese of New York.

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