Despite our strenuous protests, Richard Alleva has decided to retire from the business of movie reviewing—at least for the foreseeable future (see "End of the Affair," page 19). As Commonweal’s movie critic for the past ten years, Richard has been, at least to our minds, one of the magazine’s great strengths as well as one of the most perceptive reviewers to be found anywhere. We will miss him. Readers who share our chagrin at the breakup of what we imagined to be an indissoluble union should direct their letters of woe to Richard, for he seems utterly immune to our repeated pleas that he reconsider his decision.

Commonweal has reviewed movies since 1935, and will somehow continue to do so even without Richard’s formidable pen at our disposal. Rand Richards Cooper, a novelist and essayist who has contributed to these pages for many years, will pick up the screen column for the immediate future. Other voices will also be called upon to fill in as the occasion merits it.

We wish Richard Alleva every good thing for his "sabbatical," which apparently includes a visit to England, among other cinematic adventures. His return to these pages is something we all look forward to.

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Published in the 2000-04-07 issue: View Contents
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