The latest from Catholic News Service:

LONDON (CNS) -- Church leaders have told the British government that members of the royal family who marry Catholics under recently passed legislation will not be obliged to bring up their children in the Catholic faith.Lord Wallace of Tankerness, speaking on behalf of the government, said he had been assured personally by Msgr. Marcus Stock, general secretary of the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, that the canonical requirement of Catholics to raise their children in the faith was not always binding."I have the specific consent of Msgr. Stock to say that he was speaking on behalf of Archbishop (Vincent) Nichols (of Westminster) as president of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales and can inform the House that the view taken by the Catholic Church in England and Wales is that, in the instance of mixed marriages, the approach of the Catholic Church is pastoral," he said.

Do we all get that "pastoral" out? I'm not in a "mixed marriage" (and the kid does First Holy Communion this Sunday, white dress and all, so we're clearly the real deal). But I didn't know how negotiable this pledge to raise the kids Catholic was today. Times change. I wonder how flexible we can be on other things.In any event, the real reason I posted this is because I couldn't resist a story that cites Lord Wallace of Tankerness.

David Gibson is the director of Fordham’s Center on Religion & Culture.

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