Dear Commonweal Reader,

You’ve probably noticed something has changed. We’ve launched a redesign of the Commonweal website, and we think you’ll like what you see: a cleaner and easier-to-read home page, with more photos and more ways to find the articles you want to read, whether you’re using your laptop, tablet, or phone.

Among the specific improvements:

• A “responsive” design that makes Commonweal much more readable on mobile devices, which will make it easier for you to check in on the site more frequently; like many publishers, we’ve seen a big jump in the number of readers using smartphones and tablets, and we’re hoping to make our site as mobile-friendly as possible
• Improved typography and graphics for easier reading, with an inviting layout enabling faster, more direct access to a greater amount of content
• An expanded dotCommonweal blog, into which the content and contributors of our Verdicts blog will be folded—so that our posts on politics and religion can be read alongside our outstanding reviews and essays on culture, all in one place
• Topical pages that include articles from the print magazine and relevant and related posts from dotCommonweal, helping you find everything Commonweal has published on a particular subject

We have other changes coming, too, including special-report pages for coverage of developing news, greater use of video and audio, and mobile-friendly email newsletters.

If you’re a registered user of the site, you’ll be asked to log in, even if you’ve saved your login information in the past. If you have forgotten your password, you’ll see a link that allows you to re-set your password when you try to log in for the first time.

Another goal of our redesign is to enhance interaction with you. So, feel free to tell us what you think of the new site, whether it’s positive or negative, and let us know if you experience any problems: Either send us an email, or use the comment form here.

We hope you enjoy the new

Best wishes,

Paul Baumann

Dominic Preziosi
Digital Editor

Please email comments to [email protected] and join the conversation on our Facebook page.

© 2024 Commonweal Magazine. All rights reserved. Design by Point Five. Site by Deck Fifty.