Our new issue is now live. Among the highlights: Wayne Sheridan’s interview with Tom Cornell, who has been part of the Catholic Worker movement for more than sixty years. Cornell speaks not only about his work with founders Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin, but also about the operations of the Peter Maurin Farm in Marlborough, New York; pacifism; and the environment:

I think we in the Catholic Worker movement anticipated [ecology and environmentalism], almost providentially, much earlier. Caring for what is now called the “biosphere” was a central part of Peter Maurin’s philosophy. We have had small farms and have been pioneers in the modern “back to the earth” movement for most our existence.

Today we all have to learn to live more simply and more responsibly. It amazes me that the short-term goals of the very rich dictate the policies in this country—policies from which their grandchildren will suffer no less than our grandchildren. We have the rapid disappearance of whole species. What happens when the sea can no longer support fish because of acidity? What happens when large populations migrate out of regions that can no longer support them?

Read all of “Farmer, Anarchist, Catholic” here. Also in our new issue, Mary C. Boys reviews Shai Held’s “brilliant” book on the poet-theologian Abraham Joshua Heschel; Peter Quinn discusses Jean Moorcroft Wilson’s biography of “soldier poet” Siegfried Sassoon; and Gerald Coleman and Margaret R. McClean examine POLST—an emerging protocol for end-of-life care that “provides an opportunity for patients with advanced illness to understand their illness and their treatment options and to have their wishes for these options known and followed.” See the full table of contents here

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