Commonweal is hosting a panel discussion this coming Saturday afternoon at 4:00 PM in New York: "Fortress or Field Hospital? The Synod Takes on the Family." It's moderated by editor at large Mollie Wilson O'Reilly, and we're welcoming a stellar lineup of panelists:
- Margaret Farley, RSM. Professor Emerita of Christian Ethics, Yale Divinity School. Author of Personal Commitments: Beginning, Keeping, Changing and Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics.
- David Gibson. National reporter for Religion News Service. Author of The Coming Catholic Church (HarperOne) and The Rule of Benedict (HarperOne).
- Cathleen Kaveny. Professor of Law and Theology, Boston College. Author of Law’s Virtues: Fostering Autonomy and Solidarity in American Society.Commonweal columnist.
- Barbara Dafoe Whitehead. Director of the John Templeton Center for Thrift and Generosity. Former co-director of Rutgers' National Marriage Project. Author of The Divorce Culture and Why There Are No Good Men Left.
We'd love to have you come in person (it's free for students, a modest charge for others) so please get your last-minute tickets here; there's a reception afterwards with all the panelists and other Commonweal editors, readers, and friends.
But if you can't make it in person, you can watch live online via Feel free to watch and, if you like, you can also send questions to the panel on social media, either before or during the event. Just post questions on Twitter or Facebook using the tag #liveatcommonweal.