Showtime has a new series you may have seen advertised, starring Edie Falco, formerly of The Sopranos.It's called Nurse Jackie and it looks very promising: emergency room nurse who's tough, quietly kind, fiercely devoted to her vocation -- does Percoset and OxyContin on the job for her bad back and stress levels, while having an affair with the hospital pharmicist -- takes a long subway ride home (after double shifts) to her hunky husband and two sweet daughters.The hospital is Catholic; there's a corridor leading to the chapel that has a statue of Raphael's transfigured Christ at the end of the hallway. Sisters of Charity seem to process down those halls in random gaggles.Sts. Jane Frances de Chantal and Augustine (not to mention T.S. Eliot) are quoted in the first episode.I don't think it is likely break new ground -- it operates in that tragicomic space carved out by recent series like Rescue Me. But it seems off to a great start.Which makes me wonder: just how dominant is Catholicism in contemporary TV-land? I mentioned Rescue Me, but there are others (Tom Fontana's Homicide and Oz of recent years come to mind).Anyone seen Nurse Jackie?Or have ideas about the way Catholicism and TV seem made for one another?H/T: Ann Conway at "Good Letters"

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