President Obama's foreign policy has been a puzzle to some, a source of contempt by others, and a relief to many who don't think we need another war. Now Obama explains his thinking in a long, long interview with Jeffrey Goldberg.

Obama declares himself a "realist," and cites Brent Scowcroft as a source of his foreign policy stance. Scowcroft served as national security advisor to Gerald Ford and George HW Bush. He is a retired air force general. If memory serves, he also reined in George W. in his second term.

In the interview, Obama is surprisingly expansive on his views about other world leaders, about decision making on Libya and Syria as well as Afghanistan. Foreign policy nerds with some time this week-end would find much of interest here.

Please read the interview before commenting. Good reading!  The Atlantic interview.

UPDATE: Paul Pillar has an analysis and longish summary of the points in the case you don't have time to read the interview! Pillar's clear and compact style is less roundabout than Goldberg's. LOBELOG.

Margaret O’Brien Steinfels is a former editor of Commonweal. 

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