Over the years, I have heard several priests comment that they'd rather perform funerals than weddings --and I've always wondered why. Aren't weddings happy, and funerals sad?Well, "Rev. Know-It-All," the pseudonym for an Illinois priest, enlightened me. It's very funny--and very depressing. You can find it on page 3 of the parish bulletin.Here's his disclaimer:Warning: THIS EPISODE OF THE REV. KNOW IT ALL IS EXTREMELY OFFENSIVE. IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU OR ANYONE YOU KNOW. PLEASE READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE.THE REV. KNOW IT ALL IS NOT OPPOSED TO ALL WEDDING CELEBRATIONS. HE IS NOT TALKING ABOUT YOUR WEDDING WHICH WAS A TRIUMPH OF PERSONALSANCTITY AND GOOD TASTE. HE IS PROBABLY JUST HAVING A BAD DAY.HT: Fumare

Cathleen Kaveny is the Darald and Juliet Libby Professor in the Theology Department and Law School at Boston College.

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