Andrew Sullivan isn't optimistic about the president's press conference on Iraq (transcript):

He's arguing he didn't decide to go to war; Saddam did. He's saying heagrees with his Republican critics. He's blaming the generals for allthe combat decisions that have made this war a failure. His blamingTommy Franks specifically for the troop levels was particularlypiquant. So he gave him a Medal of Freedom anyway? Worse, the presidentconflated every single radical element in the Middle East into oneamorphous anti-American entity. It appears that he sees Shiitemilitias, Hezbollah, al Qaeda, Hamas and the Sunni insurgents asindistinguishable. He has even said baldly that the people bombing andmurdering in Iraq are the same people who attacked us on 9/11. TheShiite militias? The Baathist dead-enders? Is he serious? He seems tobe still operating under the premise that the fundamental dynamic isone between democracy and radicalism. At some very broad and generallevel, that's not wrong. But in terms of forming policy, it's close touseless. Actually, it's worse than useless. We have a president whoseems unable to understand the critical dynamics of the war he isallegedly waging. Is he capable of understanding the complexity? Doeshe really think we need another lecture on the evil of al Qaeda? Doeshe really think that's what we're arguing about at this point?

It's way too late in the game for the Commander in Chief to be this confused about our adventure in Iraq. The notion that this man is making military decisions--whoever wields influence--is frightening. He seems not to have the faintest idea of what's happening in Iraq. Why should anyone believe he can bring this debacle to a just conclusion?

Update: Bush on Libby video:

Update 2: Bush responds to David Gregory's question about the Washington Post article Peggy Steinfels mentions in the post below. (Watch the whole press conference here: part one, part two, part three, part four, part five.)

Update 3: Biden on the "good news": "This progress report is like the guy who's falling from a 100-story building and says half-way down that 'everything's fine.'" Except this guy isn't falling alone. (H/T TPM)

Grant Gallicho joined Commonweal as an intern and was an associate editor for the magazine until 2015. 

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