Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa is a Franciscan Capuchin priest and since 1980 the Preacher to the Papal Household. In that job, he gives weeklyhomiliesduring Lent and Advent to the Pope and officials ofthe Roman Curia. He is also an internationally-renowned preacher. His words carry. I especially liked his recent sermonon the "Render unto Caesar" Gospel passage.Here, via ZENIT, is a choice passage:

Christian cooperation in building a just and peaceful society does not stop at paying taxes; it must also extend itself to the promotion of common values such as the family, the defense of life, solidarity with the poor, peace. There is also another sphere in which Christians must make a contribution to politics. It does not have to do with the content of politics so much as its methods, its style.Christians must help to remove the poison from the climate of contentiousness in politics, bring back greater respect, composure and dignity to relationships between parties. Respect for one's neighbor, clemency, capacity for self-criticism: These are the traits that a disciple of Christ must have in all things, even in politics.It is undignified for a Christian to give himself over to insults, sarcasm, brawling with his adversaries. If, as Jesus says, those who call their brother "stupid" are in danger of Gehenna, what then must we say about a lot of politicians?

And bloggers...?

David Gibson is the director of Fordham’s Center on Religion & Culture.

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