"Blue state, Red Bishops." This time it is the other side of the Keystone state from Scranton's Bishop Martino. In the Diocese of Greensburg, Bishop Lawrence E. Brandt has issued a statement decrying the invitation extended by Seton Hill University to Douglas Kmiec, to speak on campus about faith and politics. Kmiec is a prominent pro-life supporter of Barack Obama, and his reasoning for that support appears to be at the heart of the bishop's complaint:

"As the teacher of authentic Catholic doctrine in the Diocese of Greensburg, I feel compelled to state in view of this situation that Mr. Kmiec distorts Catholic teaching by making it synonymous with his own personal views. There is no other Catholic position except the one which appears in authentic Church documents. His misrepresentations of Catholic doctrine do a grave disservice to the Catholic community and far beyond.I seriously question the good judgment of the University administration in allowing him a platform on campus. [snip]Is it any wonder then that not only the demonstrators at the event, but many others as well, consider his presentation an offensive trivialization of the institution's declared Catholic identity!"

The bishops says he has tried "in vain" to reach the university's president, so I don't know the disposition of the case, or what influence/authority he has here. In any case, these episodes seem to represent abroadening of the definition of who is to be barred from Catholic property.Here is the diocesan website. The hyperlink to the statement is on the right-hand side under the "What's New" banner.

David Gibson is the director of Fordham’s Center on Religion & Culture.

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