Article 'The Catholic Enlightenment' Ulrich L. Lehner argues that the perception of Catholicism as unswervingly resistant to the innovations of modernity needs correction. By Luke Timothy Johnson September 22, 2016 Theology Vatican II Article 'Catholic and Mormon' For Catholics or Mormons utterly ignorant of the other tradition, the book offers an inviting and responsible introduction. By Luke Timothy Johnson September 22, 2016 Books Ecumenism Theology Article 'Sex Difference in Christian Theology' Megan K. DeFranza explores theological and biblical resources for thinking about gender beyond Adam and Eve. By Luke Timothy Johnson September 22, 2016 Books Sexuality Theology Article 'The Big Question' Alister McGrath seeks to replace the “science against religion” posture of the new atheists with a more complex paradigm. By Luke Timothy Johnson September 22, 2016 Secularism and Modernity Theology Get Commonweal's latest, delivered twice weekly. Email address
Article 'The Catholic Enlightenment' Ulrich L. Lehner argues that the perception of Catholicism as unswervingly resistant to the innovations of modernity needs correction. By Luke Timothy Johnson September 22, 2016 Theology Vatican II
Article 'Catholic and Mormon' For Catholics or Mormons utterly ignorant of the other tradition, the book offers an inviting and responsible introduction. By Luke Timothy Johnson September 22, 2016 Books Ecumenism Theology
Article 'Sex Difference in Christian Theology' Megan K. DeFranza explores theological and biblical resources for thinking about gender beyond Adam and Eve. By Luke Timothy Johnson September 22, 2016 Books Sexuality Theology
Article 'The Big Question' Alister McGrath seeks to replace the “science against religion” posture of the new atheists with a more complex paradigm. By Luke Timothy Johnson September 22, 2016 Secularism and Modernity Theology