Commonweal will pass another milestone with this final issue of 2000. Ruth E. Taylor, our advertising manager, has announced her retirement as of December 31. She first appeared on the masthead September 2, 1977, and has since worked steadily, cheerfully, and creatively to bring in those ads. Not only have these ads and classifieds kept our readers and ourselves abreast of the latest in books, courses, university offerings, pastoral institutes, lectures, social-choice investments, and more, but payments for the ads often kept us this side of insolvency. That was a lot for Catholics to ask of the daughter of a Lutheran minister, but Ruth never let us down.

Working from her home in Maine, Mrs. Taylor was still a lively presence in the Commonweal offices via phone and fax, and through her annual visit to consult about the following year’s schedule and rate sheet. And then there were the last-minute calls to ask if we couldn’t squeeze one more "half-page island" into the issue we were just closing. She was our representative to many advertisers and their advocate to us-the best possible placement for their ads was always insisted upon.

Her loyalty and friendship were a great gift to a "little" magazine-a gift she continues in having secured her replacement, Charles and Dan Roth of Roth Advertising. We look forward to working with them.

To Ruth Taylor, our deepest thanks.

Also by this author

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Published in the 2000-12-15 issue: View Contents
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