Former New Orleans Archbishop Philip Hannan's words, his last, after receiving absolution at a mass around his deathbed celebrated by current New Orleans archbishop, Gregory Aymond:

Aymond said Hannan had already been anointed several times with the Sacrament of the Sick. This final Mass, the last of uncounted thousands in Hannans life, would be his last reception of the Eucharist.In the early part of the ritual, Aymond and the others jointly confessed their sins in prayer, and as part of the rite, Aymond said he granted Hannan absolution from his sins in the name of Jesus.Though weak and perhaps not entirely alert, Aymond said Hannan whispered a response.They are what so far are his last recorded words:He said: Sounds good to me.

Maybe not as traditional as some would expect, but seems in character for the former archbishop of New Orleans, who died on Thursday.

David Gibson is the director of Fordham’s Center on Religion & Culture.

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