Written before he and seven fellow monks were kidnapped and beheaded in 1996, this personal journal reflects story of Algeria in crisis and courageous spirituality.
When we try to be in charge of anything, including our spiritual life, we can narrow ourselves and limit what we might be given. We are part of something larger.
On boarding I realized we’d committed to the wrong car: A subway preacher was in full roar. For a Catholic schoolgirl from Milwaukee, this was quite dramatic.
To her fans—and there are many, from critic James Wood to Barack Obama—Robinson shows that old-fashioned virtues like seriousness and simplicity are still virtues.
Alison is trying to administer a radical corrective to how the faith is often presented, and he backs it up with a sophistication that usually justify his excesses.
In trying to make sense of recurring “strange” episodes of altered consciousness in her life—similar to those of mystics—atheist Barbara Ehrenreich discovers limits.
To know you need help that you cannot somehow conjure up through your own power frees you. You have to turn from yourself to something outside yourself.
A decade ago, who would have guessed that controversies about male circumcision would roil European countries and achieve resonance in the United States?
The poet discusses "accidental theologies," Gerard Manley Hopkins, faith in literature, and what it's like no longer being the editor of Poetry magazine.
Many of us have adapted to our consumer culture—a culture in which affluence is morally innocent or even commendable. “More” is taken to be a universal aspiration.
One always has to consider the cultural background of a vow. A vow made in our culture today means something different from one made in our culture fifty years ago.
The spirituality at the heart of each child cries out to be nourished; helping children develop their sense of wonder through play will go far in this regard.