Remember when Roland Burris swore up and down (and apparently under oath) that he had not been in contact with Blago or the disgraced guv's people about that vacant U.S. Senate seat--until he was appointed? Yeah, not so much.

In the latest in a series of shifting accounts of his conduct, Sen. Roland W. Burris (D-Ill.) told reporters that he tried to raise money for then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich at the same time he was asking Blagojevich to appoint him to the Senate.Burris said he contacted "some people" about holding a fundraiser at the request of Blagojevich's brother, Robert, only to learn that no one was willing to help the governor. He said he later changed his mind, raised no money and contributed none.

The Chicago Tribune has had it.

Lets see if we have it right: Burris had zero contact with any of Gov. Rod Blagojevichs cronies about his interest in the Senate seat being vacated by President Barack Obama unless you count that conversation with former chief of staff Lon Monk, and, on further reflection, the ones with insiders John Harris, Doug Scofield and John Wyma and, oh yeah, the governors brother and fund-raising chief, Robert Blagojevich. But Burris didnt raise a single dollar for the now ex-governor as a result of those contacts because that could be construed as a quid pro quo and besides, everyone he asked refused to donate.The story gets worse with every telling.Enough. Roland Burris must resign.

But the monument isn't even full yet.

Grant Gallicho joined Commonweal as an intern and was an associate editor for the magazine until 2015. 

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