Recently discovered as the excavation of the editor's old office continues, a form letter to Commonweal's book reviewers:

Dear Reviewer,We would like to enhance the book review section by printing brief, interesting and representative passages from the books being reviewed.We would appreciate it, therefore, if you would include with your review, on a separate page, a passage from 50 to 75 words which you think the readers would enjoy.Also, if you are working from a computer, and if it is either McIntosh or uses MS-DOS system, it would be helpful if you would send us both your print-out and your floppy disk (which we would be sure to return to you).

Oops.photoUpdate: Uh oh, Jean Raber. We found more disks. I hope you're ready to have your world rocked:disk1disk2disk3

Grant Gallicho joined Commonweal as an intern and was an associate editor for the magazine until 2015. 

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