...by a vote on Monday of 107 to 14, with 52 abstentions. On Tuesday Juan Cole has a helpful analysis along with a good question: What if the Palestinians apply to join the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)? What would we do then? His over-all point: The U.S. is downgrading its influence in the international arena. Juan Cole.And the always knowledgeable Ha'aretz has the answer:"With UNESCO membership granted, Palesinians seek to join 16 more UN agencies.And for those able to absorb more on this subject, two other commentators:M.J. Rosenberg: "The UNESCO Mess. It was bound to happen sooner or later. At some point, both the president and Congress would be faced with a clear choice between U.S. national interests and the demands made by Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his powerful Washington lobby."Bernard Avishai: "...the thing nobody seems able to explain is what possible interest Israel, or even the Netanyahu government, has in keeping Palestinians out of an organization that focuses on the the sharing of scientific information and universal artistic and cultural values?"And the inevitable lemming-rush over the cliff: "Senator predict massive U.S. withdrawal from international organizations." Let's see, will that include the Red Cross? Boy Scouts? Girl Scouts? WHO? Interpol?Okay this is the last one: Victoria Nuland, State Dept. Spokesperson explains U.S. vote on UNESCO! Here. Theater of the Absurd under the heading, "Middle East Peace."

Margaret O’Brien Steinfels is a former editor of Commonweal. 

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