Apropos (somewhat, I spose) of Bob Imbelli's post below, as well as several other recent posts on the translations issue, the USCCB announced today that the mail-in results of the inconclusive Junevote on the new translation of the Proper of Seasons prayers did not reach the required two-thirds for passage. This is one stage in this drawn out process, but significant, perhaps, as an indicator. Secret ballots offer bishops much greater latitude to vote as they'd like. No word (at least in the official communique) of the vote tally. Intel will be welcome in comments section. The translations apparently will be resubmitted at the November meeting, as the bishops try to catch up, or not fall too far behind, the other English-speaking conferences that have already approved elements of the revisions.

David Gibson is the director of Fordham’s Center on Religion & Culture.

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