Bernard G. Prusak holds the Raymond and Eleanor Smiley Chair in Business Ethics at John Carroll University.
Article Beyond the Abortion Wars Charles Camosy believes we are “on the verge of a new moment in the abortion debate,” politically capable of compromise. But has he misunderstood Catholic teaching? By Bernard Prusak May 4, 2015 Domestic Affairs Abortion Barack Obama Bioethics Bishops Books Continuing the Conversation Ethics Health Care Laity Pope Benedict XVI Pope Francis Pope John Paul II Secularism and Modernity Sexuality Social Justice Theology U.S. Catholicism Vatican II Women in the Church
Article John Jenkins, C.S.C., at King’s on Catholic Higher Education By Bernard Prusak November 26, 2014 Higher Education
Article Catholic colleges, the unchurched, and the nones By Bernard Prusak October 21, 2014 Higher Education
Article Just Warriors, Unjust Wars? Catholics have special reason to care about Jeff McMahan’s work on the question of just war and the debates it has sparked. By Bernard Prusak January 27, 2014 Religious Life Ethics Theology War and Peace
Article What Is He Up To? Our problems with ‘The Tree of Life’ are likewise problems with Malick’s peculiar cinematic language. By Bernard Prusak December 18, 2013 Religious Life Movies Theology