When living in fear, speaking our truth can be one of the hardest things in the world to do. And yet God still calls for our realest selves, and replies with love.
The coronavirus will be here for the foreseeable future. Our task is to learn how to negotiate life with people who have quite different understandings of its risks.
A new book describes everything one could wish to know about Hell: fire, brimstone, and boiling oil, but also the history of the idea across religions.
Augusto Del Noce argued that the true fault line of contemporary history ran between those who affirmed man’s religious dimension and those who denied it
Traditional Catholic moral theology holds that only individuals can sin. But their choices are made within a matrix of structures, some good, others less so
Fifty years ago, the “universality” in Catholic ethics meant absorption into the Roman way of viewing things; a conference in Sarajevo modeled another way
It’s easy to assume that bishops who transferred priests accused of abuse were doing it to avoid scandal. But it’s also possible that they were like me
If Catholic school teams are overachievers in basketball, it is because of an ethos that values discipline and sacrifice for the common good of the team
After selling trillions of fraudulent securities and almost triggering a 1929-scale Depression, how did no one from the world’s greatest banks go to prison?