Can I still keep using this Catholic education to understand the world if I’m no longer Catholic? Can I even still ask the curriculum’s questions if I’m no longer professing the faith that animates them?
For Henry David Thoreau, it is only as strangers that we can see each other as the bearers of divinity we really are. Alienation makes us present as closeness cannot.
In Ada Calhoun’s ‘Also a Poet,’ writing a biography of Frank O’Hara is really a way of writing an autobiography of Calhoun’s relationship with her father.
Set in a miserable dystopia, Houellebecq’s latest novel is both thought-provoking and wearying, fronted by a hypercynical yet dangerously nostalgic narrator.
By watching and listening and, most of all, by writing, Andre Dubus continues to celebrate the human spirit in which it is possible to see the power of God and God’s grace at work.