Karen Clifton on the church’s teaching about human dignity, why opposing the death penalty is a prolife cause, and why Catholics should seek restorative justice
Few ideas have struck me as more wrong-headed than the belief that an essential step in converting people to nonviolence is the renunciation of just-war theory
Many American Catholics have ancestors who were the beneficiaries of the Immigration Bureau’s advocacy. Will they support the bishops who speak out today?
On John R. Bowlin’s account, the tolerant know when the act of toleration is the virtuous response to difference and when it is a mere semblance of the virtue.
Trump’s administration appears to believe that health care, education, and housing are nothing more than commodities to be delivered by the market, or not at all.
High-end residential towers in New York, Singapore, London, and elsewhere are just a particularly egregious example of the warping of the modern investment economy.
The most important moral crisis of the twenty-first century may be a leading priority for Pope Francis, but it barely registers on the U.S. political radar.
In ‘Success and Luck,’ Robert H. Frank explains the human mind is just not designed to think rationally about luck and about how the successful got that way.
In ‘The Practice of Catholic Theology,’ Paul J. Griffiths writes about what it takes to be a Catholic theologian. More notable is what it doesn’t take.
In their respective books, Jason Moore and Jedediah Purdy both reckon with ecological disaster under capitalism. But John Ruskin knew something they don’t.
Sex isn’t an enjoyable activity that we can detach from things that really matter. Sex isn’t like telling a joke, drinking good wine, or watching a basketball game.
Georgetown is taking bold steps to atone for its role in the slave trade. Catholic institutions bear a special burden, but they also have a unique opportunity.
By signing one sentence asking for an exemption, the Little Sisters are not formally cooperating. They are materially cooperating only in a minor and remote sense.
Lawrence Douglas’s immensely readable book absorbs the reader in the twists and turns of the legal saga of Ivan Demjanjuk, charged with Holocaust crimes.
Canada’s long-standing ban on physician-assisted death is over. Though Canada has a predilection for polite and civil exchange, was the debate heated enough?